This guide will help you bridge from Serendale to Crystalvale. This article aims to walk you through a step-by-step procedure in order to jumpstart your journey in the realm of Crystalvale.
DISCLAIMER: DeFi Kingdoms is not responsible for any loss of funds due to user error or technical issues, so please use this guidance at your own risk. We also have some helpful community members who will be more than glad to help you through this process.💡 LIFE-SAVING TIP: If possible, do micro transactions first!
If you’re not going to stake in the Gardens with the JEWEL-xJEWEL pair and you’re just interested in bridging your JEWELs, just follow STEP 2.
Go to
STEP 1. Swap your JEWELs to xJEWELs in the Jeweler.
Swap your JEWELs to xJEWELs by pressing Deposit in the Jeweler. If you’re going to invest 100 JEWELs in the JEWEL-xJEWEL pool, you only need to swap 50 JEWELs to xJEWELs.
Remember to allot some JEWELs for the bridging fee and for the gas fees in DFKChain.
Serendale Contracts
JEWEL — 0x72Cb10C6bfA5624dD07Ef608027E366bd690048F
xJEWEL — 0xA9cE83507D872C5e1273E745aBcfDa849DAA654F
STEP 2. Bridge your tokens to DFKChain through the Docks.
Go to the Docks and proceed to interact with the Dockmaster.
Click Bridge Tokens, and make sure that you’re bridging (FROM) Harmony (TO) DFK. You can bridge your JEWEL and xJEWEL using this. Again, make sure you leave enough JEWELs for DFKChain gas and for the Bridge fee. Additionally, make sure you have enough ONE.
You will be asked to approve the bridge first. After approving the bridging transaction, you can go ahead and press Travel to Crystalvale.
Bridging can take from a few seconds to a few minutes especially with the network congestion. Please be patient.
Crystalvale Contracts
WJEWEL — 0xCCb93dABD71c8Dad03Fc4CE5559dC3D89F67a260
xJEWEL — 0x77f2656d04E158f915bC22f07B779D94c1DC47Ff
STEP 3. Create your JEWEL-xJEWEL pair.
Click the World Map, then proceed to the Marketplace.
You will be using the Druid to create the JEWEL-xJEWEL pair. Click Create Pool, and pair your JEWELs with xJEWELs. You will be asked to approve the contract then you will be able to create the pair.
JEWEL-xJEWEL LP — 0x6AC38A4C112F125eac0eBDbaDBed0BC8F4575d0d
Step 4. Stake your JEWEL-xJEWEL LP tokens.
Proceed to the Gardens, then Seed Box.
Deposit your seeds by approving the deposit, and by depositing all your LP tokens. You’re all set at this point. CRYSTAL emissions will start at March 30, 2022, 8:00 PM EDT.